Rigorously Tested for Safety, Accuracy and Reliability.

Over the last seven decades Amprobe has become a leading manufacturer of safe, reliable electrical test tools for industrial, commercial and residential applications with over 500 products worldwide. Amprobe not only invented the first clamp meter and the first wire tracer, but has also been consistently first to market with innovative solutions to better meet the needs of our professional customers. All Amprobe tools undergo rigorous testing to ensure quality and full compliance with the latest IEC and CE safety regulations in our state of the art environmental and safety testing labs and are further listed with third party certification labs.

Amprobe tools undergo rigorous and intensive testing to ensure compliance with the latest regulations in Fluke's CSA-recognized lab for quality and safety you can trust.

AMPROBE Products

Product Specifications, Prices, and Pictures Disclaimer:
* Technical specifications, characteristics, functions, colors, prices and pictures are true as of last update of this website. Due to occasional changes in technology some of these mentioned may change.
* The final prices are calculated with a 4% additional discount considering payment method is cash or wire transfer.
* The price can increase depending on the payment type.

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