About MTI Wireless Edge Ltd.

MTI Wireless Edge Limited develops and produces High Quality antennas for Commercial, RFID and Military applications. Commercial applications include LTE, CBRS, TVWS, Wi-Fi, Point-to-Multipoint (PtMP), Point-to-Point (PtP), 5G and Small Cell Backhaul. Antenna types include MIMO, Dual Slant, Double Dual Slant, Omni, Base Station & CPE antennas.

For the RFID market, MTI offers antennas for RFID readers and terminals.

Military applications include a wide range of broadband, tactical and specialized communications antennas, antenna systems and DF arrays installed on numerous ground, airborne, naval and submarine platforms worldwide

With over 40 years of experience, MTI offers the widest range of antennas for all frequencies and applications.


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