Safety as a priority in emergency vehicles

SignalPro, a global leader in the emergency alert industry, designs and manufactures reliable and powerful warning lights, white illumination lights, sirens, controllers, and high-powered warning systems for the automotive, aviation, and mass notification industries throughout the world.
As an industry leader, SignalPro takes pride in the manufacturing of its products and stands behind quality American innovation and craftsmanship in every product it produces.
With the largest design staff in the Americas, SignalPro's mission is to protect those who protect and serve others by manufacturing reliable products that people can trust when their lives are on the line.
SignalPro products are designed, sourced and manufactured to meet the most stringent certifications in the industry. With quality as its foundation, SignalPro celebrates innovative engineering with every product manufactured.


Product Specifications, Prices, and Pictures Disclaimer:
* Technical specifications, characteristics, functions, colors, prices and pictures are true as of last update of this website. Due to occasional changes in technology some of these mentioned may change.
* The final prices are calculated with a 4% additional discount considering payment method is cash or wire transfer.
* The price can increase depending on the payment type.

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