Part of the FlipX Advanced Series, the FLX-A-DAM is OPTEX's latest Grade 3 indoor sensor with dual technologogy microwave and PIR and antimasking features. It also has the unique to OPTEX rotatable lens for wide and narrow detection in just one sensor. Designed with high security sites in mind, the FlipX Advanced has extreme catch performance and advanced sensitivity settings for increased precision and reliability.
Superior detection performance
The FlipX Advanced models feature the highest catch performance amongst all the FlipX sensors making them the ideal choice for high-risk sites. With 80 detection zones and a longer detection range (up to 24meters), the Advanced the perfect choice for a variety of high-security indoor applications, including banks, high-value retail stores, warehouses and high-end residential. Advanced models feature double conductive shielding to filter out light disturbance and RFI, and also a 'super high sensitivity' setting for increased precision, along with a downzone detection area to detect below the sensor meaning almost nothing will get past the Advanced.
Dual technology
The FLX-A-DAM is a dual technology sensor with both microwave and PIR detection and full antimasking features. The dual technology adds another layer of reliability and precision the FlipX Advanced as an alarm will only be activated when both the microwave and infrared layers are triggered. What really makes our dual technology models stand out is the unrivaled quality of our bespoke component, the Tough MOD which has specifically been developed to prevent corrosion from condensation, humidity and other damage due to lights or temperature changes.
Active infrared antimasking
With high-security applications in mind, the FlipX Advanced comes with an Infrared anti-masking function which generates a trouble signal when the detector is masked. It has two independent antimasking functions, one on the lens surface and one on the microwave so should one of them be covered, it will generate an alarm.